Halton Weight Management Services

                                                  As a former Mr. North American, Mr. Universe contestant, and a 30+ years fitness coach…

I help people over 40 to regain their best shape, mobility, energy, attractiveness, and self-confidence. All without wasting days in the gym or following restrictive diets!

Natural Weight Management Opportunity

About the program

I learned from 35 years in the health and fitness industry that most of the Canadian population over the age of 40 is struggling with weigh-loss, pain and loss of strength or mobility.  Most of us just need a healthy new system including some support and accountability to look and feel our best again.  In the wake of the pandemic my wife and I saw an epidemic need to help parents that want to be role models for a healthy lifestyle in their own families.  We spent the last year designing a new system of motivation, nutrition and exercise and we automated it so that all those in desperate need for a change can get started straight away. 



Every Level



Nutrition, Fitness, Mindset

Dora and I understand how daunting a task it is to make changes to our lifestyle and recognize that many people who are brand new to nutrition and exercise balance may feel uncomfortable to ask for our help.  We realize that a new health routine requires practice and consistency and the only way that will work is if you love it.  We set out to make it fun and progressive but not overly pushy to begin.  Once you get past 40 or 50 years of age most people have tried and failed many times before with their health goals and have gotten discouraged.  To take away some of that initial discomfort we created our free trial system. It's perfect  for people who have just gotten off track or are a complete newbie.  Get started with Coach John & Dora below without having to leave the comforts of your own home.   

Coaches with a Lifetime of Experience

Get more information about our weight management programs in our private studio, in your home or online through our email list below. Register and you will get our natural 7-day  quick weight-loss program totally free.  You can get started right away yourself and see and feel the value.  Test drive our natural nutrition detox and combine it with some gentle daily exercise for the next 7-days to get started again with your weight-loss. Learn a modern day approach for your food and exercise.  Get motivation and guidance for yourself for free.  Decide if you want the benefits of accountability and support from a professional weight-loss coach in your corner?  See the value that a masculine and feminine tag team with 60 years of combined experience can mean for you.

Natural Weight loss

Whether you want to lose 30 pounds or 150 we've had experience with doing it natural and rapidly.  Lose the excess weight you have gained over the last few years or the weight you have carried for a lifetime.

Look & Feel your Best!

As the body begins to age it doesn't respond the same way that it used to.  Beyond 40 or 50 you need to be more diligent with your nutrition and your exercise to see the results!  The same old program that you used in your earlier life isn't going to work anymore.

Get the Support you Need

You are not going to get something different until you learn how to do something different.  Get a no obligation free trial at something totally new.  Take away all the guess work and avoid all the conflicting health views.

Amy Flanigan

She liked these ideas so much she wrote a book about them

Amy is 47.  Find her on Facebook.  She lost 28 pounds in the first 3 months after she started the program 2 years ago. The weight dropped off of her naturally.  She was so inspired by the new ideas she learned in this program she decided to change the direction of her life.  Amy shifted her career focus and began to share the secrets of natural nutrition with others.  The hidden keys to weight loss began to inspire many others in her life.  She decided to write a book about her story and her experience.  Her book inspired coach John to create his brand new 7-day natural foods detox program. Learn more about theri colaboration inside the program!

Amy & John work together online sharing the keys to natural weight loss with the world

Inside her book Amy wrote a testimonial for Coach John and his program.  See the testimonial from the book below.

Thank you to the mind, body, and spirit health coach in Canada, John Depass, for changing my whole life! Two years ago, he put me on a health challenge for one week. The goal was to eat raw food for seven days and nothing else- no meat, dairy, or processed food or drink. I never stopped! I felt amazing! He was the one who impacted my entire life. I am grateful for John and all of his wisdom and expertise. - Amy Flanigan


This program will transform you

Dennis Mac is 52.  He knew coach John from many years ago in the gym.  When he saw the transformation that John went through he got involved too!  Dennis worked with coach John 5 years ago to learn something new.  He lost 40 pounds in his first year working with coach John.  He got rid of a rotator cuff injury in the first 2 weeks that had been bothering him for over a year.  Rapid weight loss and pain reduction too!  Dennis was so inspired by these hidden secrets to nutrition and fitness that he completely changed his life direction.  Now he runs a private group on Facebook to  share these keys to health with thousands of others.  Coach John and Dennis collaborate on social media now to help people lose weight and heal pain naturally.

Rapid weight loss transformation

Mark age 45 lost weight the fastest!

Mark set the record at our place for the fastest weight lost.  He lost 100 pounds in his first 6 months.  You can too!  Even If you have had weight that you have been holding onto for a lifetime it can go away too.  Just because you have always been heavy does not mean that the weight cannot go away.  Weight loss is a result of a change of mind.  To lose weight requires a change of nutrition and a change of daily action.  Even if you are over 40 or 50 doesn't mean the weight is stuck on you.  Don't get discouraged.  Get started with something that is completely different and new!

Lose the weight & Keep it off!

Melissa age 39.  Melissa lost 80 pounds in her first year and 40 pounds in her second.  Most of the time when we have weight to lose there is an emotional root.  Most of us eat because we love to.  The connection between emotion and food is real and to change it takes dialogue and a support relationship.   To be successful with your goal is going to take a powerful coaching relationship in your life.  Growth requires new ideas and a person you trust to share them with you.  It takes some communication and some time to identify the early life events that are blocking you.  To heal we have to become aware of the issues and decide to use our imagination to begin to create something new.  Change in you begins with a change of mind and it can only happen in a positive and supportive way.  For this to work we need to create a trust relationship together. A successful coach and customer experience creates an extended family.  Keeping it off requires a new lifestyle to be learned and embraced.  You can create a brand new life for yourself in about one earth year!

Don't let your age stop you!

Even beyond 50 this can work for you too...

Jim age 70 has been working with Coach John for a decade.  He lost 30 pounds in his first year but now returning after a major surgery he just lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks after beginning his natural balance nutrition again.  I always tell my customers that if you don't love it you will never stick with it.  We need to customize a plan for you that you love.  Fitness and movement that is attainable and appropriate for you.  Nutrition that you can fall in love with.  The secret to keeping it off is to create something that is sustainable.  Just because you are over 50 does not mean that you cannot lose weight.  I believe over 50 is the very best time to make a change.  By this time you have tried and failed enough times with the same old things.  If you are over 50 you're likely ready for something new and you will realize it when it begins to happen to you.

The same old thing won't do!

Marty age 57.  Have you tried to get back onto that same old nutrition plan that used to work before and now it doesn't seem to?  Are you still using that bodypart training program that you used to do when you were in highschool or college?  Have you tried and failed and tried and failed until you are starting to doubt if you can ever lose weight again?  It's time for something totally new!  A new way to exercise and a new way to eat too!  You do not have to give up your favorite foods to do this.  You can still have your cake and eat it too!  You just need to rebalance your body and your mind.  Let me show you  how to.  If you register for our free trial program below you will get my book that will teach you how to get started right away!

Greetings from Jamaica mon! 198.9 lbs the day I left for vacation! First time under 200 since 2019! Can’t wait to get back at it next week! Gonna take it to another level next month!

Jason age 46 

Coach Dora is Fit Too!

After 3 c-sections Dora bounced back to her best!  You can get your body and life back!

Middle Age Health

Coach Dora is 50 and John is 52.  Don't settle for the junior trainer at the gym.  Get into a lifestyle program with some professionals that have a lifetime of experience with health and coaching and life.

Male or Female?

What would you prefer?  A male coach or a female coach?  I promise you we won't be offended.  We understand that some people are inspired by one of the sexes more than the other.  Were you looking for a private personal training experience or would you like to work with us both in our small group training program?

We saw an opportunity

As our children aged and eventually moved out to university Dora and I saw how important it to exercise with our children.  Kids do what we do and not what we say.  We saw a desperate need in the society for middle aged health.  Parents who want to lead their families in a healthy direction by modelling a healthy happy lifestyle to their kids.


In our Studio, Online or at your place?

We can achomodate you in our private facility or we can train you online or we can come over to your place.  What is better for you?  A combination type of program is possible too!

Coach John has been working out since he was 13. He has helped 100's of people to lose weight and change their lives.  After observing himself and his partner and his children and so many others for so long you begin to see patters.  Once you understand the patters you can interrupt them and change them.

After a career of international competitive bodybuilding coach John became sick from the imbalance of the lifestyle.  His body was broken from a torn pec, and injured shoulder, a head injury a lower back and right hip.  The injuries and nutrition of bodybuilding left John's body twisted, out of balance, in pain and with addictions, insomnia, digestive and elimination problems. His body and life were in dire need of natural balance.

Over the past dozen years Coach John has transformed himself naturally. Once a victim of overeating and over training in the bodybuilding lifestyle coach John became sick.  His body got out of balance.  He was doctor medicated for insomnia, acid reflux and was self medicating with ibuprofen, pain killers, coffee and testosterone therapy.  By the age of 40 the inflamation in the body began to cause aches and pains in the Head, neck, shoulders, back and hips.  Note the transformation in the shape of his head between the ages of 40 and 50.  Inflammation is the true disease of the modern day society.  It's the root cause of your bodyfat and physical pain.  We can shift your bodyfat and reduce your pain with a counterbalance approach to your life.  Change what you have been doing.  Begin something new and maintain if for the year!


Coach John searched for a natural solution to his health troubles & stubbled upon the secrets of natural weight loss & pain relief

Get a Free 7-day trial below

Natural Weight loss

It begins with consistency and that comes from discipline.  If you have never had that or done that then you will need to develop it.  It takes accountability and support and a new decision in your mind daily for 1 year to do it.  Set it and forget it!

Conscious Breathing

Breathing deeply and consciously daily is a key to restoring your health naturally.  Deep full breaths restore length and mobility to your body muscles and tissue.  Deep breaths release trapped emotions and stimulate the facia and all 3 diaphragms of your body.


Pain Relief

At the root of every pain is tissue damage and inflammation.  It is the root cause of your bodyfat too!  By shifting to a natural anti-inflammatory diet you can get over these two problems inside of you.  Watch what happens to the way you feel and your energy too!

Movement & Nutrition

To lose the weight and keep it off we need to interupt your current routine.  Whatever you are currently during we need to drastically alter.  We need a force of equal and opposite value.  We need a counterbalancing force. Sitting is the new smoking.  Inactivity and overeating processed foods is killing our society. Post Pandemic modern life needs an intervention.

Get the Secret Keys to rapid sustained Weight loss & Pain Relief!

Intermittent Fasting

 Fasting is a natural healer for the body.  It helps the body to cleanse itself of inflammation and it resets all of our bodies hormones.  For health beyond 40 and 50 fasting is a  wonderful tool to help us take back control of our food cravings and overeating habits..


Everywhere you go they are talking about Macro nutrition balancing programs.  Everyone is cutting out the carbs and stock pilling on the proteins.  Get away from the same old calorie manipulation diet approach.  Stop weighing and measuring and restricting yourself by making the jump to electric foods.  Rehydrate, reinvigorate and rejuvenate your life with micronutrients.  Natural food, vitamins, minerals and living water.


The secrets to rapid fat loss include consistency and change.  You have got to learn something new.  Someone will need to guide you in a different way than you are used to.  At the beginning this will take some getting used to.  for the first 30,60, 90 days you have got to be gentle and kind to yourself while you learn new movements and nutrition and mindset habits for your life.

Strength Length & Mobility Training

Throw away the old bodybuilding split body part workout programs.  The same old training won't do something different.  The same old program is blocking you.  It's tightening up your muscles and resisting your movement.  Beyond 40 and 50 the body needs flexion, extension, rotation and conscious breaths routinely.

Sleep Routine & Rest

In our Post-Pandemic lifestyle we are all caught up in the stress of life again.  Only now the cost of life is higher and the value of our money is less.  Stess is causing sleep problems and stealing our joy.  Beyond 50 many are struggling with sleep problems.  Learn the secrets of rest.  Learn how to utilize your breath and right mind to take back control of your health and your life.  A daily presence practice can create the rest and refuge that your life needs.

Accountability & Support

A dream is just a dream until you speak it out to someone else.  Then it becomes a goal.  You have got to take a risk to make a change in your life.  You have got to make yourself vulnerable to get help and share your weaknesses and your aspirations with someone new.  In the beginning we all need some accountability and support to learn a new healthy habit in our lives.  To make it stick it needs to become a new lifestyle for you.

                Get started right now below 👇

Get 7-days free Training & Nutrition & Motivation

Get registered below for more information about our program and you will receive my 7-day training and Nutrition Start up System right away.  Try out my program completely for free yourself in the comforts of your own home.  See for yourself if this program and these changes to your nourishment and exercise helps you to lose weight quickly, reduce your pain and make you feel better.  Give it your best shot and see if this program is helpful for you or not.  Ger registered below and you will get my training program manual, my start up rapid fat-loss anti-inflammatory  nutrition plan and 4 video recorded movement sessions to introduce you to something totally new.  If you are over 40 or 50 and you have a family who you want to be a healthy role model for then this is for you.  You can look and feel your best again!  Take action below now!

Need a more customized plan?

Let's arrange a free 20 minute coaching conversation book a call now

📞Text me: 905-512-5421

📌 3425 Lakeshore rd Burlington Ontario Canada



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